Marc Doffey
Taking Direction

CD, mons594, EAN 4260054555949
Importe, 2017, Mons Records

Doffey, Marc tenor sax, clarient, bass clarinet w/ Sabeth Pérez vocals, Bertram Burkert guitars, Thomas Kolarczyk double bass, Fabian Rösch drums

  1. Die beschwerliche Reise des Hanghuhns
  2. Reunion
  3. #Intro
  4. Intro To Day Is Over
  5. Day Is Over
  6. Interlude #1
  7. Shapes & Lights
  8. Tracks
  9. Interlude #2
  10. From The Shelves
  11. Interlude #3
  12. Shades Of The Night And Cities Of Light
  13. Interlude #4
  14. Fabian's View
  15. #Outro
  16. Sea Glow
  17. Friendly Wave